Golden Trowel Recipients of Morton Lodge

As one of the highest honors any Texas Freemason can receive, the Golden Trowel Award was established by the Grand Lodge of Texas for the purpose of recognizing any Mason who has consistently demonstrated outstanding and exemplary service to in the community. Golden Trowel recipients display commitment to Masonic principles in general and/or in their Lodge. Year after year, these Brothers have shown dedication to the moral and philanthropic teachings of Masonry without any thought given to personal recognition. These are men who spread symbolic cement that binds our organization together into a lasting structure.

1996 - Lee Grayless

1998 - Neal E. Skinner

1999 - Lou Payton

2000 - Robert D. Donham

2001 - R.L. “tiny” Gaston

2001 - Daniel Gomez

2002 - Joe C. Wessendorff

2003 - Douglass L. Callaway

2004 - M.M. “Bill” Goldsmith

2005 - William F. Jenkins

2005 - Tony O. Hernandez

2006 - Phil Morton

2007 - William C.J. Smith

2008 - Don LeRouax

2009 - Brady G. Elliott

2010 - Joe Shepherd

2011 - Frank S. Tamsett, Jr.

2012 - Charles W. roehling

2013 - Jim Starks

2014 - Wayne Kelley

2015 - Raj Bhalla

2016 - Burienne Stuart

2017 - Weldon Faucett

2018 - Jim Talbot

2019 - Wayne “Wes” Switzer

2020 - Donald C. Hernandez, Sr.

2022 - Cody M. Cockroft

2023 - Albert J. Davis