About Us

Our Founding

Organized in 1850, The Morton Masonic Lodge was chartered on January 24, 1851.  Named for ”Old 300” Colonist and Mason, William Morton, the lodge began with twenty charter members.

Since 1851, both Morton Lodge and our greater community have been blessed by the incredible contributions of many of our outstanding Brothers and leaders that preceded us. Today, our Lodge stands on the shoulders of those Masonic giants as we aspire to build upon their legacy of excellence.

The first lodge hall, located on Jackson Street, was replaced in 1855 by a larger building on the corner of 3rd and Morton Streets.  The three-story brick structure also housed the county courthouse, and was destroyed by fire in 1887.  A third facility, built at this site, was replaced by our current building in 1913. 

Officers of Morton Masonic Lodge

2024 - 2025 Masonic Year

Worshipful Master - Jason Vance

Senior Warden - Coy Christoffel

Junior Warden - David Berndt, P.M.

Treasurer - Christopher Choat, P.M.

Secretary - Cody M. Cockroft, P.M.

Chaplain - John Bradley, P.M.

Senior Deacon - Andy Kolb

Junior Deacon - Rafael Evangelista

Senior Steward - Albert Davis, P.M.

Junior Steward - Wade Wedegartner

Marshal - Mark Eastwood, P.M.

Master of Ceremonies - Eric Beane, P.M.

Tiler - John Carrol